Embedded Service Model vs. Branch Model of Security

In the constantly changing world of corporate security, organizations aim to adopt models that best suit their individual needs. Two models in the security services sector are the embedded service model and the branch model. Understanding the benefits of each can assist businesses in making an informed decision that ensures optimal security and operational efficiency.

The Embedded Service Model

The embedded service model integrates security personnel directly into the client’s organization. These security professionals become an intrinsic part of the company’s daily operations, collaborating closely with employees and management. This model excels in delivering quality-controlled security programs, often resulting in stronger relationships and better retention of security personnel. Inter-Con has specialized in this model for over 50 years, demonstrating its effectiveness.

Benefits of the Embedded Service Model

  • Deep Integration with Client Culture: Embedded security personnel are fully immersed in the organization’s culture, values, and goals. This integration fosters a strong alignment between the security team and the organization, leading to more effective and cohesive security practices. Security personnel understand the company’s specific needs and can tailor their approach accordingly.
  • Enhanced Communication: Proximity and daily interaction with other employees facilitate better communication and collaboration. Security personnel are more accessible and can quickly respond to incidents or security concerns, ensuring prompt and effective resolution.
  • Customized/Tailored Security Solutions: With a deep understanding of the organization’s operations, embedded security teams can create highly personalized security solutions. They can predict potential security threats that are specific to the organization and put in place measures to address these unique challenges. The cost for these programs is fully attributed to the client’s particular needs.
  • Stronger Relationships and Better Retention: Building relationships with employees helps create a safer and more secure environment. Familiarity and trust between security personnel and staff can lead to better compliance with security protocols and a more loyal and vigilant workforce.
  • Consistent Monitoring and Reporting: Continuous presence within the organization allows for consistent monitoring and timely reporting of security issues. Embedded security teams can provide real-time updates and insights, enabling proactive measures to prevent incidents.

The Branch Model

The branch model involves security personnel operating from a separate location, typically managed by a central security firm/branch. These teams provide security services to multiple clients and rotate between different sites.  The branch model can be more cost-effective in some scenarios because resources and personnel are shared among multiple clients. This may be true for clients with low training and security requirement needs or a low-risk security posture.  In this scenario, a branch model can afford flexibility as commoditized officers can be pulled from other similar security programs in the area on an “as needed” basis. 

The choice between an embedded service model and a branch model of security depends on the organization’s specific needs and priorities. The below visual further elaborates on the benefits of the embedded service model.

In summary, understanding the distinct benefits of each model can help businesses make a strategic choice that ensures robust and effective security tailored to their unique environment. The embedded service model offers deep integration, customized solutions, better post coverage, and stronger relationships, making it ideal for clients who value close-knit, customized security practices. If these benefits interest you, contact Inter-Con today!

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